Dr. Kamlesh Nayak Dr. Kamlesh has more than 10 years of experience involving treatment and preventive approach towards lifestyle diseases including diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipedemia, Cadiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases. He has done extensive work in the field of critical care medicine. Doctor has conducted various CMEs, Awareness programs and also delvered numerous lectures in the area of his expertise. MBBS, MD

Dr. Kamlesh Nayak

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Dr. Kamlesh has more than 10 years of experience involving treatment and preventive approach towards lifestyle diseases including diabetes, Hypertension, Dyslipedemia, Cadiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases. He has done extensive work in the field of critical care medicine. Doctor has conducted various CMEs, Awareness programs and also delvered numerous lectures in the area of his expertise.
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