Rajesh Shankar Iyer
I amNeurologist and Epileptologist at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital (KMCH) and PSG Hospitals in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. My special… Learn More
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Neurologists, Neuro Surgeons/ Doctors & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.
The course is organized into one module and includes additional resources specific to each one. Registration for the course is always open.
It is absolutely free of cost.
As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).
Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Neurologists, Neuro Surgeons/ Doctors & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.
Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on docmode.org help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.