Dr Philip Abraham’s expert view on Probiotics in IBS

Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS): Rome IV criteria is the latest diagnostic approach for IBS
Microbial factors incriminated in pathophysiology of IBS
Benefits of yeast probiotic:
Stronger capacity to regulate the innate immune response
Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS): Rome IV criteria is the latest diagnostic approach for IBS
Microbial factors incriminated in pathophysiology of IBS2
Temporal instability, a reduction in the diversity of the microbial populations
Bacterial overgrowth
Decreased levels of beneficial lactobacilli and bifidobacteria
Increased numbers of strict and facultative anaerobic organisms
Increased ratios of Firmicutes compared to Bacteroidetes phyla
Benefits of yeast probiotic:
Stronger capacity to regulate the innate immune response
Antibiotic and phage resistance
Higher natural robustness against gastric acid and bile salt
Published 01 Sep 2021

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