
Dr. Nidhi Sharma



15 Years

About the Speaker

About the Instructor

"Dr. Nidhi Sharma is a Senior Consultant Dermatologist at Skin Health Clinic, Gurugram, India. She has contributed to more than 40 Publications in National and International Journals/ Books. Dr. Nidhi was awarded at young dermatologists forum for Best Award paper on AST in CSU at Dermacon Jaipur, as West zone topper and first runner up at Torrent young scholar award in Ahemdabad. She got first prize in International Dermatopathology Quiz , Mangalore. Se received Fellowship for 21st EADV Congress, Prague. She was also awarded the Best E- paper Award at Dermacon, Ahemdabad. Dr. Nidhi has organised various National Conferences and Workshops and is the Treasurer of the Skin Allergy Research Society. She is the Deputy Editor of the Indian Journal of Skin Allergy and is a faculty at DERMACON / SAM / IMCAS / DASIL / WCD."