Detecting and Handling Refractory GERD: The Schemas at Work

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Better Night time Acid Suppression; Better Day-to-Day Acid Variability Maintenance; FH: Functional heartburn; GERD: Gastroesophageal reflux disease; G-POEM: Gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy; H2RA: Histamine H2 receptor antagonist’ LA: Los Angeles classification; PCAB: Potassium competitive acid blocker; PPI: Proton pump inhibitor; RH: Reflux hypersensitivity; RSA: Reflux symptom association, VONOPrazan.

Diagnosing refractory GERD involves distinguishing between proven and unproven GERD to guide the investigative and therapeutic approach, as illustrated in Figure 1.1

Figure 1: Algorithm for evaluation and management of esophageal symptoms suspicious for reflux disease.1

Algorithm for evaluation and management of esophageal symptoms suspicious for reflux disease

Management strategies for refractory GERD should begin with lifestyle modifications and optimization of antisecretory therapy as elucidated in Figure 2.1

Figure 2: Algorithm for evaluation and management of esophageal symptoms suspicious for reflux disease.1

Algorithm for evaluation and management of esophageal symptoms suspicious for reflux disease.

Vono 20-Always on Duty

Vono, containing Vonoprazan molecule, is a Potassium Competitive Acid Blocker which helps in treatment of Refractory GERD, Erosive Esophagitis, H.Pylori, Gastric & Duodenal Ulcers