Why Is PEG Superior to Lactulose in Treating Pediatric Constipation?

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Why Is PEG Superior to Lactulose in Treating Pediatric Constipation?, Muout, Docvidya, Paediatrician, General Practitioner, Consultant Physician, Treating Pediatric Constipation, Muout, PEG,

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1. Voskuijl W, de Lorijn F, Verwijs W, et alPEG 3350 (Transipeg) versus lactulose in the treatment of childhood functional constipation: A double blind, randomised, controlled, multicentre trial. Gut. 2004;53(11):1590–1594.

2. Mansour HA, Ibrahim A, Mohamed A. Effectiveness of polyethylene glycol 3350 versus lactulose in management of functional constipation in children. Int J Pediatr Res. 2022;8:089.

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