PEG-ing the Path to Regularity for Kids With Constipation Woes

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PEG-ing the Path to Regularity for Kids With Constipation Woes, Muout, Docvidya, Pediatrics, Pediatric functional constipation, Paediatrician, PEG, Bowel movements.

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More than 40% children with functional constipation have
                    <3 bowel movements per week

More than 40% children with functional constipation have <3 bowel movements per week.2

The primary goal in treating functional constipation is to establish regular bowel movements, ideally once daily, with the passage of soft stools and without difficulty.3

The primary goal in treating functional constipation is to
                    establish regular bowel movements, ideally once daily, with the
                    passage of soft stools and without difficulty
Laxatives are commonly prescribed for disimpaction and
                    maintenance therapy

Laxatives are commonly prescribed for disimpaction and maintenance therapy.3,4

A randomized, single-blinded clinical trial evaluated pediatric patients suffering functional constipation to compare the efficacy of PEG with lactulose.1

A randomized, single-blinded clinical trial evaluated pediatric
                    patients suffering functional constipation to compare the
                    efficacy of PEG with lactulose
PEG for fecal disimpaction and as
                    maintenance therapy for 16 weeks. Rectal enema for 2 days for
                    stool disimpaction, followed by

PEG for fecal disimpaction and as maintenance therapy for 16 weeks.

Rectal enema for 2 days for stool disimpaction, followed by lactulose±senna.

More patients treated with PEG demonstrate increase in stool
                    frequency compared to lactulose (p<0.05)

More patients treated with PEG demonstrate increase in stool frequency compared to lactulose (p < 0.05).4

children treated with PEG demonstrate an increase in stool frequency compared to lactulose

PEG offers a better choice compared to lactulose in the management of pediatric functional constipation.4

PEG offers a better choice compared to lactulose in the management of pediatric functional constipation




















Muout 1

MuOUT® by Dr. Reddy's is an oral PEG 3350 medication designed for the long-term management of pediatric functional constipation. This tasteless and odorless solution effectively helps children with constipation relief.

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